Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Program at FOL

Each year, O's preschool has their annual Christmas program and we always look forward to seeing O with his class.  This year, their class sang two songs, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and This Little Light of Mine.

When it was his class's turn to enter the sanctuary, he spotted us and wanted to come over where we were.  Fortunately, his teacher was able to reign him back in and he went down front with his class.

He was so hilarious to watch.  We had no idea he knew the songs so well, he was really singing them and remembered most of the hand motions too.  His teacher said O was about the only one singing.  Afterwards, they had refreshments in the fellowship hall.

It was a great way to get prepared to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.  Jesus is the reason for the season and we want O to understand that and always keep that first.

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