Monday, August 19, 2013

Let's Check those Teeth

Brent has a tradition where he takes a day off from work and he and Owen go do something fun when Owen has a dentist appointment.  He loves his dentist, Dr. Goldenberg at The Greensboro Center for Pediatric Dentistry.  At his last appointment in December,  they went to breakfast at Tex and Shirley's and then rode the trolley at Friendly since it was Christmastime.  He had another appointment at the end of July, so to carry on the tradition, Brent took the day off and away they went.  He had an early appointment, so they went to the appointment first.  Then they went and played putt putt and had fun at the arcade inside.  Then they went to Tex and Shirley's for lunch and went to some stores at Friendly.  Owen loves spending time with his Daddy!

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