Monday, September 14, 2009

so close....

Owen is so close to crawling...we are waiting for it any day. He has mastered scooting backwards pretty well...he takes one crawl forward and crashes!!! He loves to try and can get very frustrated when he is trying to get to a toy that he can't reach.

He also has grown quite fond of his wagon. He loves to ride his wagon at Mimi and Papa'a. He is so cute in it!! Just smiles away and squeals out of delight! I think Mommy and Daddy are going to have to buy one of their own. In fact, we went to Ella Kate's birthday party this past weekend and I couldn't find Owen....he was of course with his Daddy in EK's wagon!!! So cute and funny!!

Love my wagon....supported by sofa pillows...adds a lovely addition:-)

Zoom....I'm off

Love my cell phone toy...he was playing with I bought him a toy one thinking he wouldn't notice the difference..haha

Trying so hard...

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