Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Welcome to the Carroll's blog page! After looking at all my other friends' blog, I decided that this would be a great way to keep family and friends informed about us and our first pregnancy. Yes, I said pregnancy... for those who do not know, Brent and I are expecting our first bundle of joy around January 6th (they keep changing the due date...that's the latest). We are so excited... we have so much to look forward to in the upcoming months...the nursery, registering, shopping, showers, birthing classes, and everything else that comes along with the preparation of a newborn! At this point we are clueless... advice about nursey musts and those that you could have done without will be greatly appreicated! Currently, I am 19 weeks (Thursday), we find out a week from today what the baby's sex is... we can't wait... check back to find out!

May 3 - got our first + from home pregnancy test! Yippie!!! Could this be true???? I was shocked, unsure, excited, and estastic all at the same time!

May 6 - confirmed pregnancy via blood test! The moment that Brent and I have been waiting for - we were so excited and feel that this was a true blessing from God!

May 12 - our first ultrasound, yes there is a sac and we got to see our little bean...along with several cysts... scared me but we got through it.

May 19 - (6 weeks) our second ultrasound - the bean had tripled in size... cysts were still there.....

June 11 - (9 weeks) our third ultrasound... the cysts were normal! Yes.... everthing is finally normal. Wow! What a relief and blessing! We are so thankful!

July 2 - (13 weeks) Everything looked great, all tests came back normal! We are also measuring a week ahead... we'll see!

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